How to set up a simple deb repository: Distilled Instructions

This is tutorial for setting the most simple working deb repository, tested on Linux Mint 10 (Ubuntu 10.10, in other words).
I used reprepro for this task -  an utility to create and manage Debian repositories. You can get it from standard repositories:
sudo apt-get install reprepro
Now, to actual repo creation.
I was creating a repository at /var/www/repo/, you can create it anywhere, as long as Apache is able to reach it.
mkdir /var/www/repo/
cd /var/www/repo/ # base directory for reprepro
mkdir conf/ # directory for reprepro configuration files
echo '
Origin: <project name>
Label: <project name>
Codename: <osrelease> # maverick, in my case
Architectures: i386 amd64
Components: main
Description: <description>
# if you need to distribute packages for more os versions (natty, for example)
# just add another block, separated by empty line
' > conf/distributions
reprepro -v export <osrelease>
It's done! Now you can add your packages by using
reprepro -v includedeb <osrelease> /path/to/your/deb/file.deb
Note that all commands should be run from base directory of your repo, or with --basedir option supplied.

To use your newly created repositry, fire up Synaptic, go to Settings -> Repositories -> Other Software -> Add... and type following in:
deb <osrelease> main
In this tutorial, I skipped all the gory details and security concerns, so if you want more explanations and security advice, you can read more detailed how-to here.


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