Implementing graph to tree conversion using Haskell

I began to become quite enamored with Haskell recently. At the very least, even if you can't use it on your current projects - because of the boss, because of legacy code, or because you just can't understand it well enough - you can always use it as an endless source of brain-teasers and puzzles.

Also, since I'm recently switched to XMonad, at least some knowledge of haskell is a must. By the way, I'm extremely happy with XMonad, but that is a theme for a separate blog post :)

Currently, I'm exploring various typeclasses (State, Reader, Arrow, etc) and sometimes try to code some small snippets using them. For example, to practice using State monad, I implemented a method to extract a tree from graph using DFS. Obviously, in such operation you need to maintain set of visited nodes somewhere, thus State seems to be a good fit. Here's the code in Haskell, and the same code in Scala (written in more "traditional" style):
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Text.Regex
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
-- some setup for the types
type Graph a = Map.Map a [a]
data Tree a = Tree
              { root :: a
              , children :: [Tree a]
              } deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (Show a) => (Show (Tree a)) where
  show tree =
    show (root tree)
    concatMap ("\n"++) 
      (map (intercalate "\n" . map ("  " ++) . splitRegex (mkRegex "\n") . show) (children tree))
toTree :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> State (Set.Set a) (Tree a)
toTree graph node = do
    visited <- get
    (Tree node . reverse) <$>
        (\siblingTrees child ->
          siblingTrees >>= \strs -> (:strs) <$> toTree graph child)
        (return [] <* modify (Set.insert node))
        (filter (`Set.notMember` visited) $ Map.findWithDefault [] node graph)
mapFst :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
mapFst fn (a, c) = (fn a, c)
mapSnd :: (b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, c)
mapSnd fn (a, b) = (a, fn b)
exampleGraph :: Map.Map String [String]
exampleGraph = Map.fromList
  [ ("tree", ["branch"])
  , ("branch", ["apple", "banana"])
  , ("apple", ["tree"])
main :: IO ()
main = print $ evalState (toTree exampleGraph "tree") Set.empty
case class Tree[A](root: A, children: List[Tree[A]])
def toTree[A](root: A, graph: Map[A, List[A]]): Tree[A] = {
  def visit(node: A, graph: Map[A, List[A]], visited: Set[A]): (Tree[A], Set[A]) = {
    graph.get(node) match {
      case None => (Tree(node, Nil), visited + node)
      case Some(children) =>
        val (childTrees, newVisited) =
            .foldLeft((List.empty[Tree[A]], visited + node)){ case ((siblingTrees, visitedSoFar), child) =>
              val (childTree, newVisited) = visit(child, graph, visitedSoFar)
              (childTree :: siblingTrees, newVisited)
        (Tree(node, childTrees.reverse), newVisited)
  visit(root, graph, Set())._1
Note that scala version is almost twice as long (if we don't look at all the setup code from haskell version).

As a side note: if you need to quickly understand what Arrow typeclass means, I definitely recommend A Brutal Introduction to Arrows by Christopher Lane Hinson.


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